
Quantum Photonics & AI Group

Prof. Dirk Englund • Dr. Ryan Hamerly • Dr. Matthew Trusheim


The Quantum Photonics Group is actively seeking more opportunities for outreach.
Please contact us at: qpg-outreach -at- mit -dot- edu

Wondering how quantum computers work? Trying to understand why people are so excited about graphene and other quantum materials? Are you a student interested in higher schooling or careers in quantum optics? Come to our Quantum Photonics Office Hours, to ask whatever burning questions are on your mind! At these office hours, members of our group will be standing by to answer your questions. See below for information on which QPG member will be hosting the upcoming office hours. Hope to see you there!

Zoom link here – click to join!

Museum of Science “Ask A Scientist”

QPG member Eric Bersin and alums Sara Mouradian and Michael Walsh chatted about what it’s like to work in the field of quantum information science with the Boston Museum of Science’s “Ask A Scientist” program. Lots of great questions were asked by the attending public – check out the video here!

iQuHACK 2020

In their capacity as leaders of MIT’s iQuISE Organization, members of the Englund Group organized MIT’s first quantum hackathon, iQuHACK! The over 50 participants had the ability to run their code on a real quantum computer courtesy of IBM. With support from academics (Paola Cappellaro, Dirk Englund, Aram Harrow, Prineha Narang, and Kevin O’Brien) and industry representatives (HRL Laboratories, IBM, and Zapata Computing) alike, this event was a rousing success. Can’t wait for next year!

NanoDays 2017 at the Museum of Science

Once again, Englund group members joined the Museum of Science on April 8 for NanoDays 2017! Thank you to the Museum for working with us to share our research with the public. We had an array of demonstrations, ranging from diamond ice-cutting to invisible circuits with graphene, and had a blast sharing our excitement and enthusiasm with members of the Boston and Cambridge community.

Photo credit: Josh Reynolds

NanoDays 2016 at the Museum of Science

On April 2, members from the Englund group joined the Museum of Science in their annual NanoDays event! We had two demonstrations showing guests the exciting potential offered by graphene and diamond, complete with real samples from our labs. Everyone had a blast, and we’re looking forward to joining the Museum in 2017, if not sooner.

Diamond1 Diamond3
Graphene (and Cheng RCL) NanoDays 2016 Activities - 2 of 73 Graphene (and Cheng RCL) NanoDays 2016 Activities - 64 of 73
Photo credit: Josh Reynolds/Museum of Science